for starters, Army Boy had me listen to a song that he said reminds him of me and the past few days i've been playing it over and over. it's really sweet and with my medical situation, my relationship situation and Army Boy being gone for what seems like forever.. it just makes me smile.
next happy topic? you're gonna love this one! my girl crush :) i've known her for a few years as she is the girlfriend to one of my friends. she's two years younger than me, blonde, blue eyes, girly girl and kinda ditsy sometimes, but i totally love her and wish she was mine. we hung out on friday and got drunk and watched girly shows all night. it was really fun and relaxing and something i really needed. never underestimate the power of seeing people you haven't for months and months.
what else? i feel like there was so much to talk about and now that i'm typing i'm drawing a total blank. hmm.... oh! rewind back to Army Boy. i was informed that he may be getting out earlier than expected. like, a few months earlier. i felt so sick on friday on my way to the doctors and then i received that text message and felt instantly better. goes to show you.. mind over matter. you just need the right motivation.
these are just a few of the moments i'm thankful for and of course, the people that i've shared these moments with. it's very easy to only see the bad in something and forget the good. when you look hard enough, you'll probably have more good moments than bad ones. it's just the decision to actively pay attention to the good ones that can make or break you
This, my bestie, has got to be one of my favorites! This is the Teresita, well some of it, that I am absoultely in love with! You'll get there, that place in life where you are eating bon bons with your nice pearl neclace and heels. Most of all, you'll be at that place where you are going to realize " DAM look how far I have gone and how happy I am." That moment is going to destroy EVERYTHING and ANYTHING bad you have ever felt. best part of all?? I wil be there right next to you, either on the phone or right next to you sneaking in another chocolate into my mouth. Love you. So much.