think for a moment of a time in your life when you were undoubtedly sure that events, people, places, thoughts, actions and feelings in your life were perfect. not necessarily what was going on or what was being said, but that this specific moment in and of itself was resonating with you because it's exactly how it's supposed to be.
a first kiss?
a reunion?
a laugh?
a silent moment?
a comforting hug?
even a fight can be perfect..
in this moment did you feel like you were capable of strength within yourself? that you could do whatever your heart desired because it felt possible? undoubtedly you were sharing this moment with someone, or someones.
lately i've been alone during the day. just me. and i've come to realize that i'm not made to do this on a daily basis. i'm made to nurture and mother and do things for and share myself.. with another person. i haven't been able to do this. i'm a physical person who needs to hug or be next to someone. maybe not all the time. but certainly not meant to never do it either. i'm staying in bed longer. staying up later. essentially wasting my day because that way i have less time to be alone. i have more time to sleep where everything is like the moment you just thought of.
i can't remember the last time that i was fearless.. and truly it's a scary feeling
virtual hug happening right now. i couldn't have said this any better myself. this is exactly how i've been feeling lately. no joke. I sleep more than i do anything else lately. its like my dreams are better than real life. its easier to live in my dream world. keep hanging on. i hope it gets better.