Yesterday I spent the day with the ex because i went to a funeral and my family is close with him so of course he came with me. After the whole day event we went back to his house and did errands, watched a movie and by that time it was 10pm. I don't know how it started but we were talking about whether or not this break up was working, i mean, we've been seeing each other at least once a week. Ultimately we came to the conclusion that, no, this isn't working. We need to revamp.

Our conversation was about 4 hrs long. It was like we were best friends again, despite our awkward turtle of a situation, we really just talked no matter how much what we said may have hurt the other. we actually were able to laugh about sum stuff even though i couldn't see for the life of me.
He knows that i have feelings for Army Boy now. he suspected as much but chalked it up to being paranoid. needless to say he wasn't too thrilled about us not talking, for real this time, but moreso now than ever. we talked about what he thought he was doing and what he was actually doing were two different things and he felt like he messed up. and how we could be such amazing friends, even now, and our relationship be so disconnected.
We both feel the same way.. that some days we just want to be apart from one another and end everything and other days it's the total opposite. and because of this we decided it'd be best to end all contact unless it pertains to the dog. us talking and seeing each other in social settings was just making things more confusing and harder to deal with. so, we are now officially done done.
Now i just have to decide when i'll be done walking down the middle and actually choose a direction...

So at what point do we decide that enough is enough, we've tried our best and despite how well aspects are by themselves, put together they just dont work and we need to move on?
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